March 17th, 7PM
Speaker: Wayne Hughes
Topic: Beehive Thermodynamics
Wayne Hughes of Sweet Harmony Apiaries, will be speaking about hive thermodynamics. Wayne is a jack of all trades, holding degrees in music and information technology. He spent the formative years of his life working in the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC trades. After much study, research, and field trials, he used his skills from the HVAC trade to understand beehive thermodynamics and developed a patent-pending hive design. This design leverages biomimicry to provide optimum conditions for honeybees as well as being lightweight, easy to manipulate, pest resistant, and maximizes honey yields.
Wayne is a UGA certified beekeeper and has kept bees since 2010. He has been successfully treatment-free for the entire duration. He is the owner of the family-run Sweet Harmony Apiaries in Marietta, Georgia.

Tara Beehives Are Moving to College Park!
Tara Beekeepers Association is excited to partner with The Metro Atlanta Urban Farm (MAUF) in College Park!
MAUF is a five-acre, certified naturally grown farm dedicated to empowering communities through agriculture. Founded in 2009 by Bobby Wilson, the farm provides fresh, pesticide-free produce and education to promote healthy living in urban areas. Committed to making fresh, affordable food accessible to all, MAUF also works to reduce barriers to healthy living in both urban and rural communities by promoting agriculture and STEM education.
This spring, Tara Beekeepers will relocate their apiary to MAUF, bringing exciting benefits:
Hands-on learning opportunities for club members and new beekeepers.
Bee education for MAUF students and the surrounding community.
40,000 tiny pollinators ready to support the farm’s gardens!
Stay tuned for updates as our bees settle into their new home!
Tara Beekeepers Association invites you to join our club!
Membership is $25, and includes family members.
We take payment in the form of cash, check, or credit card (at our meetings). If you would like to send a check, please make it payable to Tara Beekeepers Association and send to:
David Brookshire, Treasurer
1925 Fisher Drive
Stockbridge, GA 30281:
We host our monthly meetings at the Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church in East Point, GA on the third Monday of each month, at 7pm. Centrally located in the South Metro Atlanta area, our monthly meetings are free to attend, and we welcome anyone who is interested in learning about honey bees!
Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church
1150 Jefferson Avenue
East Point, GA 30344
Directions to Fellowship Hall Meeting Room:
Parking and building entrance are located behind the church on the southeast side at the corner of Batavia St and Winburn Drive.

Learn about Georgia's own
Certified Naturally Grown program and how beekeepers can participate
Instagram & Twitter @TaraBeekeepers Facebook @TaraBeekeepersAssociation